Tanvi Lonkar, who played the teenage Latika, will appear in a lead role in the Tamil movie Kadhal Theevu. The
Kadhal Theevu is produced by Studentstudio.com production company and Sathyaraj introduced the cast of Kadhal Theevu's leads - Tanvi and Ramcharan, who played the young Parthiban in Azhagi - was held in Fame National Multiplex in Chennai.
Tanvi, in her address, revealed how hard it is to make it big in Bollywood. "Although I am from Maharashtra and speak Hindi, it's impossible to break into Hindi films because Bollywood prefers people with some film background. But Tamil cinema is different and I am hoping to do more projects here," she said.
Kadhal Theevu is produced by Studentstudio.com production company and Sathyaraj introduced the cast of Kadhal Theevu's leads - Tanvi and Ramcharan, who played the young Parthiban in Azhagi - was held in Fame National Multiplex in Chennai.
Tanvi, in her address, revealed how hard it is to make it big in Bollywood. "Although I am from Maharashtra and speak Hindi, it's impossible to break into Hindi films because Bollywood prefers people with some film background. But Tamil cinema is different and I am hoping to do more projects here," she said.